Movers & Shakers Sedis

Sedis apointment new CEO


Sedis is announce the apointment of its new CEO : Lilian Noirot. Sedis who are part of India’s Murugappa group and are one of the major international players, and the number one brand in the French claiming to have than […]

Sedis is announce the apointment of its new CEO : Lilian Noirot.

Sedis who are part of India’s Murugappa group and are one of the major international players, and the number one brand in the French claiming to have than half of the mechanical chains made in France. have apoointed new CEO Lilian Noirot.

Educated as an engineer and from a Business school, Lilian Noirot has developed his career of Industrial Manager with French manufacturers such as Seb, Tefal, Danone or Somfy, and is committed to place customers and excellence at the core of the factories and the company.

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